Antique Old England trunk owned by the Maharajah of Holkar (1890-1978)

Antique Old England trunk owned by the Maharajah of Holkar (1890-1978)

H.H. Maharajadhiraja Raj Rajeshwar sawai Shri Sir Tukojirao III Holkar YIII Bahadur of Indore. (1890-1978)

At the front of the trunk one can see various old travelling labels. The label on the top lefthand side shows in detail this trunk was the personal property of the Maharajah of Holkar.
The maharajah was a large collector of gemstones, valuable rocks and diamants. This brought him an incredible wealth.

After two Indian marriages, he met an American lady on one of his many european travels in Luzern, Switserland. The couple fell in love and got married in 1928. His new wife gave birth to another 4 daughters which in total made him father of 5 daughters and 1 son.
They lived happily together at a beautiful castle in Saint Germain-en-Laye, near Paris, France. The brand of the trunk on offer is ‘Old England’ and was only sold in Paris.

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